I thought that I would be blogging bi-weekly, if not, at least monthly about our home build, but time has a funny way of getting away, so here we are, blog #3 of the home build "series".
If this experience has taught me anything, is that good things come to those who wait, and plan ahead. We started this process over a year ago, and broke ground almost a year ago to date. What's crazy is that we began finalizing some of our finishes, such as our kitchen, months before that. I'm pretty sure I ordered my kitchen sink last summer! Overall this process has been a dream come true, but it has come with it's challenges. The 3 B'S - budgets, by-laws and babies. Yes, babies! Being pregnant and having a newborn throughout all of this was definitely interesting. Despite any challenges we've come across, I'm VERY excited about how things are coming along.

If you've been following along on Instagram you'll know that the tile has been installed. Currently they're working on the all the trim (doors, baseboards, wall paneling etc) and paint is beginning this week. The house is being painted white (shocking, I know LOL) - Benjamin Moore Oxford White to be exact. There is also quite a bit of wallpaper to be installed, which has me slightly stressed. Typically I'm all for a plain and neutral palette, so this is definitely out of my comfort zone. Once painting is complete, the hardwood will be installed, followed by the kitchen and all the other cabinetry (laundry, bathrooms, pantry etc). This is all happening alongside, electrical, plumbing, landscaping, and a bunch of other not so exciting, but very important things.

Since the very beginning I wanted this home to be warm and inviting, with a touch of character, as though it's been around for years. I'm also quite sentimental, and kept a few things from the original house to be reused in our home. To be honest, I can't remember each piece that I saved, but I know there's definitely a small chandelier, as well as an old watering can tucked away in storage (don't ask why I saved a watering can LOL). Lastly, I wanted to ensure the we left our mark. I remember my best friends parents renovating when we were growing up and they let us draw all over the subfloor. It's so cool to think that one day someone will rip up the floors and find all of our doodles. With that in mind, I decided to do the same in our home. We left our mark all over the house, with hopes that one day a young family, like our own, will find our little drawings and notes, and know a bit about the family that built the house they will now call a home.

I'm excited to say the we're almost there (I think)! Move in day was supposed to be at the end of September, then October, and now it's November. Fingers crossed that we're in before Christmas!
Be sure to subscribe to my blog, so you don't miss any updates! I'll keep you posted on the progress, and I'll also be revealing each space as it's completed, alongside all my sources.