What a dream... we finally opened our doors to The TKL Shop! We appropriately celebrated for an entire week with family, friends and so many of YOU. Here are some of the highlights from that week.

Kickoff Party Highlights
A few days before our grand opening, we threw a "kickoff" housewarming party. We had BarChef come and create delicious cocktails and canapés. The canapés were a hit—one crackled in your mouth, and the other, called Dragon’s Breath, made smoke come out of your nose and mouth. It was hilarious watching everyone's reactions

Artist Anthony Ricciardi also joined us, customizing TKL canvas goodie bags. One side of the bag had a drawing of our new location, which was designed by Rachel McGarry, and the other side was customized by Anthony. He painted his signature pink hearts on the bags and asked each guest for words that inspire them. He added those words to the tote, making each bag a unique piece of art.

The goodie bags were filled with a custom TKL wooden cutting board and, of course, a signature TKL scrunchie. The event was so much fun! It was great to connect with people I usually chat with online and share our latest collection in our pretty new space.

Grand Opening Weekend
The grand opening weekend was a whirlwind of excitement! It was surreal to pull up to the shop before opening and see a line of people waiting—how friggin' unreal!
I wasn’t nervous until I walked into the store for the first time before we opened. That’s when all the jitters came flooding in. My husband and kids surprised me with a little ribbon-cutting ceremony, which combined with the jitters, got me very emotional.
I've said it before, but I'm typically someone who's always on the go. Once I finish a task, I move on to the next. In that moment, I just felt the "OMG, I did this" feeling, and the tears rolled in.

Once I composed myself, we opened our doors to this amazing community. The best part of the day was finally putting faces to the names I've chatted with online for so many years!
And I still can't get over anyone who asked to take a photo with me... like, what?! It totally made me feel so special—gave me a "celeb moment" for a hot second.

Overall, the grand opening week was an incredible experience, it truly gave me all the feels. Thank you to everyone who made it special, I really appreciate each and everyone of you!