To be honest, life has been kicking my 🍑 lately. Our start to summer wasn't at all what I expected. My kiddos got sick—one had hand, foot, and mouth, and another ended up in the ER with something we've never experienced before. I'm usually very calm and collected when my kids are ill, but this was really scary. To add to the chaos, I also put out my lower back for the first time, and my anxiety had me convinced that my kidneys were unwell, so that was fun LOL. Thankfully, everything (including my kidneys) is okay now, but I definitely shed a few years of my life over the last couple of days.Â
I also had some very exciting news to share that unfortunately didn't have a fairytale ending. We bought a puppy! We've been waiting for him to come home since April, and about two weeks before we were going to bring him home (which would have been this week), he died unexpectedly. The worst part was that we had visited him a few times, including the day before he died—he was so sweet, I could cry just thinking about him. Telling the girls he had died was tough; we all shed quite a few tears. While it was very sad, the vet mentioned that if it didn't happen now, it could have happened in a few months, which would have been a lot harder on all of us. On a positive note, the breeder has been wonderful and has found us another pup that will be born later this month. I'll share more details once we're closer to bringing him home.

In other positive news, we FINALLY broke ground on our build! Due to delays within the city, we are about two months behind but hope to make up for lost time. With the build starting, I've been going to lots of appointments to finalize things like windows and exterior finishes. I'm currently stuck on window colour (there are SO many options) because I want it to match the brick colour, but I haven't selected that yet...stay tuned! We also began designing all our millwork with Bloomsbury Fine Cabinetry—I'm VERY happy to be working with their team again. I'll definitely keep you updated and bring you along to as many appointments as possible.

Besides that, I'm just trying to juggle work and "camp mom" for the summer. Since we expected to care for a puppy all summer, we didn't make many travel plans, so we will be hanging around the city, pool hopping, and hanging out up north as much as our friends let us use their cottages—luckily, we have very welcoming friends! We also have family visiting from Poland, which has us visiting a lot of tourist spots we haven't seen in years, such as Niagara Falls, which has been so fun!

While the start of our summer has been filled with some lows, between our new pup and the build starting, things are definitely taking a turn, and I'm hopeful it's going to be a great one!